Leadership for Transformation


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    June 25, 2020

    When people are confused and fearful and they are forced to do something, it is often that they do something stupid out of confusion and haste. What if we confuse this with an act of courage?

    May 4, 2020

    A stupid person might go much faster than a wise one. This is why you often see the stupid ones have already finished, while the wise ones are still going.

    April 28, 2020

    Following your passion and do what you love to do as a career is the ideal situation for everyone. But even if you have the opportunity to choose your career based on your passion, you will have to face with parts of your responsibilities that not only you don’t enjoy, but it even makes you very uncomfortable. Avoiding what makes you uncomfortable is natural and it’s something most…

    April 26, 2020

    If you are not going toward specific goals, then you are wandering around. And if you are wandering around purposelessly, you are prone to be directed by external factors around you.  Instead of putting your resources such as energy, time, and money in making progress toward your goals, you are forced to create unauthentic and fake goals based on your momentary emotions such as jealousy, envy, arrogance, and…

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