Leadership for Transformation


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February 12, 2020

Growing very fast is something we all hope to reach. But sometimes growing too fast is not good news but probably it is a sign that you are going in the wrong direction. Check your compass regularly before you hit the rocks.

February 8, 2020

Level one: You don’t ask for the fear that you would be rejected. Result: You will never know how it would be if only you had asked. Level two: You ask and they don’t accept your proposal and you give up. Result: You both lose the opportunity for cooperation. Level three: You ask and if they don’t accept, you use different tactics, methods, and tricks to make them…

February 6, 2020

Show too much emotion and they don’t even take you seriously. Show only logic but no emotion, you may impress them with your reasons but you shall not gain their support. Mix artfully emotions with logic and you can win substantially. 

February 3, 2020

If you run too fast and too early, you will burn out yourself too soon. But if you go too slow and stay comfortable for too long, you will never go far enough, Start slow, speed up gradually and consistently, and you may go beyond your expectations.

January 30, 2020

Nothing is more authentic than the work of an honest entrepreneur. People look at her and think of a person who selfishly works to build her own business and become rich. While in reality, she is building a business via which the society will receive better services or products, more jobs get created, and with the collective work of successful entrepreneurs, the economy improves. And nothing is far…

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