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When you receive something valuable from someone and you give them a sincere expression of appreciation, you encourage them to give more and often. It would be extra generous of them if you don’t show appreciation and they still give. Free advice is something we all need time to time. Feedback received from a friend, colleague or relative is something that could lead to a great deal of…
Thank you for staying with me along this journey so far. Today is the first anniversary of this blog. On December 1st, 2018, the first article was posted. The contents of these 55 short articles have been mainly about leadership, career development, entrepreneurship, and personal development. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading them and I hope it has been useful to you. The journey continues! The mission is to…
A happy person generates happiness in his or her surroundings. Happiness is contagious and while it makes people around you feel better, it improves the possibilities of a better future as well. Dr. Daniel Goleman in his book Emotional Intelligence explains the feeling of happiness as following: “Among the main biological changes in happiness is an increased activity in a brain center that inhibits negative feelings and fosters…
Every person has experienced a period of time in his or her life that they used to impress others and themselves with their hard work, high level of energy and enthusiasm. But a much less percentage of these people stay in such a performance throughout their entire life. Success through hardworking is not some temporally to come and go. It’s a habit to build and keep it and…
As a captain of your life, the most important thing that you need to learn is to make sure your thoughts are not going in in the wrong direction. The wrong direction is any direction other than the direction of your goals and values. You need to constantly be aware of the stream of your thoughts and actively direct them toward your goals. You need to be prepared…