Leadership for Transformation


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    April 27, 2019

    If we look for it we are always going to find short-comings in our lives. There are always people who are luckier than us in something, or there has always been a decision or an action in our past that now we regret it. But thinking about these and feeling bad about them costs us a huge amount of energy and time which therefore results in more loss…

    April 22, 2019

    In the absence of fear we work genuinely, we bring our best out of us and offer it to the world. The world may accept it and we become successful. Or the world may reject it and we can call it a failure. Or, as it happens often, the world accepts some of our work and rejects another some. So we can build our success upon the initial…

    April 18, 2019

    The difficulties come along to turn your heart into stone of ice. Only the flame of love is to keep it warm and soft. Some may deserve your love and some may not. Keep loving anyway!

    April 15, 2019

    It’s often easier to achieve goals with dreaming about them in our imaginations. It’s actually comforting when you make a habit out of it. When we read or listen to the story of a successful person that resonates with us, we develop a desire to pursue a similar path and go for it. If we are serious enough we eventually start acting upon our dreams and from there…

    April 9, 2019

    If you want to live, do live now because you don’t know if you are going to have the opportunity to live well tomorrow. You may rely on your income but it might not be the same next month, you may rely on your experience but it might come to be obsolete in the future. You may even rely on your reputation and your good name among your…

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