Leadership for Transformation


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April 23, 2023

The quickest way to success starts with being slow, You are filled with passion; you are eager to achieve your goals and you have a lot of ideas about what to do. What you don’t have is the time and patience to do what needs to be done. You want to grow fast and live […]

June 30, 2022

The harder it gets, the tougher you become. Life is hard to live, but you can soften it with perseverance, patience, and determination. If a series of soft drops of water can pierce through the hard stone, you can also build your path toward your dreams with focused resolution. No pain is pain, as long […]

June 8, 2022

A promise is a conversation for action. When you promise something either to yourself or to others, you assure them of an action or a series of steps that would lead to a result in the future. Therefore, a promise is a powerful tool we use to pave the way to a specific future, and […]

May 5, 2022

You are not a leader just because you are responsible for a group of people. A title doesn’t make you a leader, but it might allow you to start becoming one. There are two fundamental elements of leadership; having a positive attitude about leadership and retaining the right capability to lead. A positive attitude toward […]