Leadership for Transformation


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    December 19, 2018

    As business owners, we can’t do everything ourselves. At one point or another, we need to delegate some of our workload to our staff. But when it comes to delegation, we are not sure how much we can trust. Our new employees keep disappointing us with their lack of capacity.  So here is some suggestions for when you need to delegate your work to your team: Do your…

    December 18, 2018

    You have heard a lot about the importance of staying positive and looking for the best in any condition. As a powerful leader you need to keep both yours and your staff’s moral high in order to keep moving forward with energy and to focus this energy for good work instead of worrying about the future. But you often face conditions that are too difficult to handle. So…

    December 17, 2018

    Leadership is not a title nor is it a position. You don’t have to be formally assigned as a leader to lead. You don’t even have to have followers. Leadership is a personal quality. You choose to have it and then start practicing it until you master it. When you decide to lead, you act like a leader and over time you build the skills for it. Regardless…

    December 16, 2018

    It is the responsibility of every follower to have high expectation from his or her leader, to hold the leader accountable for their decisions, their actions and even their thoughts. A leader needs to consistently prove that he or she is worth to be followed. Blindly following a leader and never questioning his or her decisions and actions is the habits of those followers who eventually get hugely…

    December 15, 2018

    Whatever you decide to accomplish has three stages, whether you learn a new language, build a house or start a business, you have to go through all these three stages in order to have an excellent accomplishment. It has the beginning, intermediate and advanced stages—each with its own characteristics. The beginning stage: The phase of all efforts and no or little tangible result The beginning starts with some…

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