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It’s simply because they have different values, backgrounds, and beliefs.
The sting of failure is undeniable. Each fall chips away at our precious time, energy, resources, and even our own confidence. Yet, the true tragedy lies not in the fall itself, but in mistaking it for a dead end. Failure, in its raw form, is a neutral event. It holds no inherent power to define us or dictate our future. Its true impact lies in our response. Embrace…
It’s fun to have the freedom of working however you like to work. Being free from rules, standards and procedures give you a sense of being limitless and open. But building standards and systems improve efficiency and speed up your growth. It’s good to have a balance of both to enhance both efficiencies as well as effectiveness.
There is always so much to do and so little time so we try to speed up everything in our lives to make sure we can manage to do as much as we can. This is not only true about our approach to doing things done but also with how we connect with people. But people are not things and they are much deeper and more complicated than…
Getting upset over something is not something we can completely remove from our lives. But what we can do is to improve our response. Our mood can change easily by the small or bigger events during the day or night. Although we don’t have any control over the external events and other people’s behavior and although those events or people might ruin our moments and change our moods,…