Leadership for Transformation


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    January 23, 2022

    One way of offering your service as a volunteer is to participate in a good cause and offer any help that they might need. This is a good approach if you want space from what you do professionally and seek to have just fun doing something different and have fun while helping around. Another approach is when you want to use your time in the most effective way.…

    January 22, 2022

    We are old when we are not young anymore. There are three key areas that qualify youth: Growth: if you are still growing physically, mentally, spiritually, financially, socially, or any other aspects that matters to you, then you qualify for this factor. Thinking for the future: Do you still dream about your future? Do you have an idea that you haven’t started/finished yet? Do you still have places…

    January 21, 2022

    When you are driving and looking around, it either distracts you and causes a crash or it makes you slow down. The same is true about your level of focus on your goals. When you are not looking toward where you are going, you are going to either fail or in the best case scenario slow down your progress.

    January 20, 2022

    We are here today, still alive and still we have a chance to make a difference. We are here, and here we have the chance to make someone happier, to show care and love.  We are here today to be kind to each other and add value to each other’s life. Today, we are, but we don’t know about tomorrow. Today we have the chance, but tomorrow we…

    January 19, 2022

    When you praise your child for something that is not true, you don’t make him happy but ashamed. He knows that not only doesn’t deserve this compliment but you also failed to recognize anything else to appreciate about him. While she might appear to be happy with your praise—which she thinks she is expected to—deep down she loses her confidence both in you for not being able to…

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