Leadership for Transformation

Open the Door
to Magic!

Why You Should Ditch Your Phone and Grab a Book?

Stephen King wasn’t wrong. Books are portable magic, whisking us away to vibrant worlds and whispering secrets of the human soul. They’re not just shelves of paper; they’re psychic gymnasiums, empathy factories, and creativity sparklers.

My Top Reads: Unlocking Inner Strength, Decision-Making, and Emotional Awareness


The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

This isn’t just a self-help book, it’s a life-transformation manual. Covey delves into character-building principles like proactivity, goal-setting, and prioritizing, empowering you to take control and create a lasting impact


Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Dive into the fascinating inner workings of your mind with Kahneman, a Nobel Prize winner. He reveals how our intuitive and logical systems influence our decisions, equipping you to understand your biases and make smarter choices in every aspect of life.


Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

Forget IQ, embrace EQ! Goleman argues that emotional intelligence is the key to success in every sphere. Learn to manage your emotions, understand others’, and build strong relationships with this insightful guide to mastering your emotional landscape.

Remember, what you think about shapes your actions, and your actions, well, they determine your destiny. So, why not pick up a book and craft a destiny richer than any trending hashtag?

Edriss Raha

Tired of business-as-usual? Fuel your entrepreneurial fire with these must-read picks for 2024


Zero to One: Building the Future (But Not Copying It) by Peter Thiel

Tired of me-too companies? This book challenges you to think radically different and create truly unique and valuable businesses. Learn to break free from competition and build the future, not just follow it.


The Lean Startup: Fail Fast, Iterate Faster by Eric Ries

Stop playing guessing games with your business! This practical guide introduces the lean startup methodology, all about constant testing and learning. Build a minimum viable product, gather feedback quickly, and pivot like a pro as you navigate the startup rollercoaster.


The Digital Mindset: Thriving in the Age of Algorithms and AI by P. Leonardi & T. Neeley

The digital age is here, and it’s changing everything. This book equips you with the mindset to embrace the challenges and opportunities of data, algorithms, and AI. Understand how technology is reshaping business, and get ready to lead the way in the digital revolution.