A culture of manipulation and short-term gaining at the cost of losing trust is dangerous for the future of any company that is hoping to stay in the market for long term. When it becomes a culture that everyone in the market practices it, it becomes a long term loss for everyone in that particular market. In an environment of high standards and high level of trust, not only companies have the opportunity to flourish and become bigger and bigger every year, the country in which they operate also becomes a country with healthy economy.
Unfortunately, the current situations that is going on in markets like Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Iran and many other Asian countries is a culture of manipulation, culture of losing trust for the short gains, and frustrating the customers on constant basis. It has become normal for customers to keep changing restaurants, phone companies, airlines, etc. because they get frustrated at their services and they move to the competition to soon find out they are even worse. They do this until they run out of options and realize that they have to lower their expectations and make do with what is available.
While the companies operating in such a way in low trust environment making good annual profit which fools them to think that perhaps their strategy is working, it is deteriorating over the long term. While there is low expectation that a new company who focuses its work on trust may grow in such markets, the fact that everyone is cheating on everyone, proves the point that everyone is losing in such markets.
While building a company based on trust and customer’s loyalty is hard in low-trust markets, the companies who can manage to practice such a strategy gradually speed up their growth in the market while they also establish a reputation for being the leader for high quality customer services. These companies eventually get to a level to compete in international markets since they already build their base on high standards that is acceptable for more developed countries.