My two sons, Elias and Ehsan, and I went for hiking last weekend. My purpose for climbing the mountain was to just three of us have some fun whiling enjoying the fresh air so it didn’t matter how far we would go. I was not planning to climb the whole mountain and get to the summit. (It wasn’t a big mountain anyway). So when we climbed for a while, I decided for us to sit and relax and then climb back down.But Elias, being the eldest of the two, kept pushing that we should move on.Being responsible for the safety of both, I didn’t want to go on with climbing up but to sit for a while at the place we already reached and then get back down. But Elias, who was excited to go up and could see the summit had some big and good looking stones ahead of him, was pushing us to move up the hill. Ehsan and I were both tired and I wanted to get back but Elias kept going and persisting that we should follow him. The second part of our journey was more difficult since I was getting more and more tired and the steep was getting more vertical and potentially more dangerous for us to climb. But with constant persistence of Elias, we eventually made it to the top.

Once at the top, we enjoyed our victory. It was beautiful and fun. We could see the beautiful view of the nearby lake and the greenery; we could see the horse ranch in the distance where people were riding horses for fun and many more all around us.  I was glad we climbed up. We took some pictures, rested for a while, played around and then climbed back down the mountain. 

Lessons learned:

  1. Remember that if the way up is getting harder, once you are there you will be glad you didn’t give up
  2. Having one or more enthusiastic members in your team plays an important role in the moral of the whole team.
  3. Make sure you enjoy your journey from the beginning, have fun! This will make pains more tolerable.

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