It’s often easier to achieve goals with dreaming about them in our imaginations. It’s actually comforting when you make a habit out of it. When we read or listen to the story of a successful person that resonates with us, we develop a desire to pursue a similar path and go for it.

If we are serious enough we eventually start acting upon our dreams and from there we start being hit with the reality. We realize the path from where we are to where we want to be is not as easy as we thought. The unexpected obstacles, whether they are internal or external, keep bothering us along the way. All we need to do is to pass the river of obstacles from where we stand today to where we want to be in the future. But in order to get there we need to build the bridge and cross the river.

It is comfortable to stay where we are and dream about the other side of the river. But it is not going to stay comfortable forever. We are going to lose time and patience and realize that we never going to get in the other side by simply dreaming about it or doing small actions here and there without a firm commitment.

We have to build the bridge of discipline, a bridge reliable enough to work consistently toward our goals. The sooner we realize this and start the work the more time we will save to go even further and into more new places.

The journey of life is not a perfectly paved road. It’s an unknown land with many obstacles along the way. We’ve got to learn how to build bridges and we’ve got to learn to like it a lot.

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