Leadership for Transformation


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    September 16, 2024

    In 1893, a young lawyer, filled with ambition, found himself in the first-class cabin of a train in South Africa, eagerly heading to his first job. He had worked tirelessly for this moment, and the future seemed bright. However, he could not have predicted that this train journey would profoundly transform his life. As the train rolled on, an angry white man, accompanied by a ticket officer, stormed…

    July 10, 2024

    To become a leader, you don’t need to wait for a bestowed position of authority, nor must you wait for followers to acknowledge you as their leader. You become a leader once you’ve completed these three essential steps: Step One: Choose to Be a Leader Leadership is a choice – a challenging choice to make. A leader’s life differs significantly from the lives of others. By opting to…

    May 22, 2024

    Do you dream big, but the path to achieving those dreams seems long and daunting? Are you tempted to settle or resign yourself to a life of “good enough”? If you’re a fighter, someone who refuses to let their dreams stay dreams, then these 3 powerful mental strategies can be your ticket to success: 1. Embrace the Challenge, Not the Fear This strategy draws inspiration from ancient Japanese…

    April 20, 2024

    Life’s like a road trip, and wrong turns are inevitable. We’re human, after all, and that beautiful thing comes with the occasional misstep. But dwelling on those wrong turns – replaying “what ifs” and wallowing in self-pity – is a recipe for wasted time and missed opportunities. Instead, let’s reframe that “wrong turn” into a valuable lesson. Learn from it, adjust your map, and keep moving forward.  Who…

    April 2, 2024

    Life’s journey is a winding path, not a well-rehearsed performance. We trip, we falter, we misstep. Yet, many freeze under the fear of falling, their potential stifled by the shadow of failure. They fret, overprepare, and ultimately stumble, burdened by the illusion of perfection. Instead, imagine life as a game, a vibrant exploration where wins and losses are both valuable lessons. Each misstep strengthens our resolve, each error…


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